Carrier Waves
Just as a radio picks up many carrier frequencies, so can our minds. We are aware that different radio stations carry different programming, and we choose the programs that we want to listen to. However, we are not aware that we can also choose different “channels” in our minds.
Kilowatts of the radio station determine the clarity, consistency, and distance of the transmitted message. The mind also has something comparable to kilowatts within its mechanism, which are the pituitary gland (sixth chakra) and the pineal gland (seventh chakra). When these chakras and glands are programmed to pick up only messages from the third dimension, our mind is like an AM radio. AM is amplitude modulation, therefore those messages with the greatest amplitude (loudness) are the ones that will be clearest and most apt to be consciously perceived via our five physical senses.
AM and FM
The pituitary and pineal glands (the sixth and seventh chakra) allow the switch from AM (amplitude modulation) to FM (frequency modulation). A FM radio is a metaphor for receiving messages from the dimensions above the third dimension. With frequency modulation, the messages are received on the different octaves of carrier waves that come from the different dimensions. The pituitary gland (sixth chakra) acting alone can receive messages from the fourth dimension and up to the threshold of the fourth dimension. In order to receive messages from the fifth dimension and above, the crown chakra must be open.
Once the rising Kundalini has joined the essence of the pituitary gland (sixth chakra) with that of the pineal gland (seventh chakra), the Third Eye can be fully opened and activated. Then our perceptions become expanded to encompass the fifth dimension and beyond. Our pineal gland receives messages from the higher dimensions via the crown/seventh chakra and then sends them on to the pituitary gland. The pituitary gland can then “project” this message onto the mind screen of the Third Eye so that our visions can be consciously perceived with our inner senses.
Inter-dimensional communication
In order for us to be consciously active in this inter-dimensional communication, we need to have at least opened our sixth chakra through meditation and other spiritual practices. Then when the “lotus blossom” of the seventh chakra is awakened, there is a biochemical release within the physical brain as the pineal and pituitary glands simultaneously release their hormones. These hormones combine and interact within the cavities of the third ventricle in the innermost cavity of the physical brain to combine the essence of the crown and brow chakras to open the Third Eye.
Our minds can be programmed to receive messages from the higher dimensions and channel these messages to the cortex of the physical brain. It is helpful to draw a graphic representation of these messages as well as writing them, so that we can integrate the right and left hemisphere in the communication process. Also, higher messages come to us in “no time” or the timelessness of the Eternal Now. Therefore, an entire book of information may be received within one minute of earth-time. Then we must translate that message in to the space/time of physical earth. Drawing a picture first allows us to consciously “grab” the vision seen upon our mind screen. We can then meditate upon that picture to assist us in transferring the vision into the language areas of our left-brain so that we can talk or write about it as well.
The Pathway
The preparation for this joining of the sixth and seventh chakras lies in learning to connect with the “fourth dimension channel” on our mind radio. Once we are attuned to that channel, we can contact the many Beings who can guide us through the sub-planes of the fourth dimension and to the threshold of the fifth. In order to make our fourth dimensional perceptions conscious to our third dimensional reality, we must create a “tunnel”, or a “pathway”, which connects our third dimensional sense of self to our fourth dimensional reality. Then we can integrate our inner perceptions into our third dimensional brain. It is the joining of the third and fourth dimensions that encourages Kundalini to progress into the Crown to open this “tunnel”, or “path”, into the fifth dimension.
Normally, communication with the higher planes is done while we are asleep or in a deep trance, and the information is often not brought forth to our mundane consciousness. In fact, most of our higher dimensional communication is unconscious unless the sixth chakra is engaged in the process so that it can channel a “vision” of the communication to the mind screen and then onto the cortex for conscious reception. Once the reception is conscious, than the cortex can be used as a radio that we can “turn on” and select a channel, or as a fourth dimensional sub-plane.
Communicating with Self
With most of the “channeled” material, there is a recipient of the information who goes into a deep trance and surrenders his or her voice to the Being that they are communicating with. Another person then records what the channeled Being is saying and will often ask it questions. However, as the vibration of the planet is rising higher and higher, it is easier for us to maintain a connection to our physical world while we are communicating with the higher worlds.
Then our “Self” that is on the same dimension as the Being who is communicating, can send the message down to our “self” who is grounded in the physical world. Also, as we consciously travel through the inner planes, our sense of self expands and we can then realize that often those “great Beings” are actually a higher component of our physical self. It is the creation of our “tunnel” or “path” though the fourth dimension that allows us to gain this more expanded sense of Self.
Resonate Frequency
These FM waves of our mind radio are frequency modulating in that each sub-plane of the fourth dimension holds a different resonate frequency. The highest sub-planes have the highest resonate frequency down to the lower sub-planes (lower being closer to the physical vibration) which hold a lower resonate frequency. Once we have established our Path to our Soul in the fifth dimension, we can receive messages from the higher planes as they step-down in frequency from one plane to another, all the way down to the Physical Plane.
Without our “tunnel” or “path” through the fourth dimension, the messages become distorted as they move through the different sub-planes and into the third dimension. It is especially important that the Lower Astral Plane be cleared as the storms of emotion there will cause great distortion of the original message. The path through the Lower Astral Plane is created by our willingness to journey into our unconscious dark side for healing.
When we meditate upon the sixth and seventh chakras, we are increasing the “kilowatt power” of our radio station because we are making the inner planes more familiar. Therefore, they are more accessible to our conscious mind. When we meditate, we also raise the resonant frequency of our conscious awareness. This higher vibration of consciousness (greater kilowatt power) increases the power of our receptivity to the higher planes.
Fourth Dimensional “Distance”
With a radio, the power of transmission is measured in distances. However, beyond the physical plane, there is no “distance” as we measure it in the physical plane. Instead, the “distance” is measured by frequency rate, with the higher frequencies vibrating in the higher sub-planes of the fourth dimension and the lower frequencies in the lower sub-planes. This is because there is more darkness (or matter) in the lower fourth dimension. As we travel up the different sub planes, there is less and less matter to inhibit the rate of vibration. Therefore, the frequencies become higher and higher.
As we consciously access each new sub-plane, the pituitary and pineal glands (sixth and seventh chakras) are re-programmed to pick up higher and higher frequencies. Also, the thalamus and the Reticular Activating System are realigned to consciously receive perceptions from our inner, spiritual senses as well as from our outer physical senses. This re-programming then allows us to imprint these perceptions on the language and vision areas of the physical brain’s cortex.
Radio Stations
As we journey through the inner planes, we can establish a radio station upon each plane. There is a Spiritual Wisdom Temple, much like our universities on the Physical Plane, upon each of the inner planes that are established to teach those of us who are able to raise our consciousness to these vortices of learning.
When we have been able to reach the Fifth Dimension, we need to align our “radio station” near that Wisdom Temple. Near is a term that of course does not apply, as there is no space in the inner planes. The more accurate way to express this concept is to say that by communing consciously with the Wisdom Temple and aligning our energy to it, we are able to leave our imprint, or radio call number, within the vibratory pattern of that Temple. This imprint functions as a homing beam that attracts further communication.
Grounding the Soul
However, before we can communicate with the Wisdom Temple of the Soul Plane, we must first unite with our Divine Complement and establish an intimate relationship with our androgynous fifth dimensional self. It is our own Soul who will show us the way to Soul’s Wisdom Temple. Once we have united with our Soul in a conscious way, the process of grounding that vibration in the physical world begins.
This process will change our entire attitude toward life, as we are no longer led by our ego but rather, by our Soul. Gradually, as we realize our physical form is no longer ours but is actually our Soul’s earth vehicle to be used by our Spirit, our divine purpose for taking on that body begins to manifest. Once our Soul is fully grounded on the physical plane, the communication with the Higher Planes is as easy as a communication with a physical person sitting next to us.
As our entire planet, and in fact much of the portion of space in which our planet exists, moves into the fourth and fifth dimension, this total balance and ongoing communication between Spirit and Matter will be a part of our everyday life. With each person who is able to align themselves with their Soul, the process becomes easier for the rest. Remember, assistance is always present and all that we must do is ASK.