Dear One,
The time has come now for you to learn to receive us via the computer. In this way you will not have to expand the extra energy of transferring all our messages from written into typed form. You will see now that you are quite able to do so. You will first receive the material and then edit it later. Do not worry if at first there are many mistakes. As you become able to surrender your hands more and more to your Soul, you will learn not to be concerned about your ego’s worries of syntax and spelling. We wish you to close your eyes, so that you will not be judging the manner in which you are typing our messages. You are now only learning. The speed with which you receive us will increase as you become more comfortable with this process.
We are here to tell you about the next step in your mission. It is important that you learn to receive carefully what we are sending to you. First, who are we? We are representatives from the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. Actually, there is no true brotherhood and sisterhood as we are mostly androgynous. We choose to wear bodies of different sexuality primarily for the purpose of not shocking the ones to whom we speak. However, you are able to embrace that we are truly androgynous. Therefore, we will call ourselves the Light Network. That is only one of the many names by which we are known. You have studied with us for over twenty years. We also spoke to you often when you were a child, but you did not know who we were. You did, however, recognize and trust us as we struck a familiar cord in your Spirit’s memory. You have known us by many different names throughout your life. We will respond to whatever name we are called. It is the intention of the call that we respond to and not the words.
Now that you have raised your vibration, we can work with you more directly. Remember that there are two ways in which to receive our messages. One is to travel to your fifth dimensional Soul body and then you are receptive to all the messages of the fourth and fifth dimension. Another method is to raise your consciousness to the vibration of whatever dimension that the message is being transmitted from. The first method is far superior because the fourth dimension still holds polarization and there is still ego and darkness. However, if you can travel first into the fifth dimension of your Soul, you can wear that vibration as protection from the illusions of the lower dimensions. Also, if one is receiving from their Soul Body, they are more able to keep the message free of personality and ego.
Since your planet is now beginning to vibrate to the fourth dimension, even if you may not be aware of it, it is vital that you learn to be the Master of your thoughts and emotions. Even in the third dimension, reality is created around your thoughts and emotions. You have taken life on the third dimension where the process of creation is very slow so that is easier for you to learn to Creators.
In all dimensions, a thought is the “form” of the creation and the emotion is the “substance”. As you raise in vibration, the manifestation of your thoughts and feelings become quicker and quicker until you reach the fifth dimension in which manifestation is instant. For example, on Earth you may think “I love Hawaii and I want to go there!” That love allows you to desire going to Hawaii more than buying new clothes, or going out to eat. Then you can save money and eventually you will find that you are in Hawaii.
However, if you were to say, “I’m afraid I will never be able to see Hawaii.” You will not remember to put away your money and make the plans because of your fear. You see, love and fear are both powerful emotions in creating your world. Love unifies you with the desire because it offers hope and hope creates dedication to your possible goal. Fear separates you from your desire because it tells you that you do not deserve it. Therefore, if you allow yourselves to hope for it you will only get hurt. These thoughts of limitation create a resignation to your inability and a feeling of victimization.
Fear and love also guide you to the source of that emotion. For example, if you strongly love the ocean, you will find a way to get there. However, fear is a guiding force of almost equal power. For example, if you fear the ocean you may also find yourself there. But, whereas love creates an experience that is loving, such as a wonderful swim and a relaxing day, fear will create a negative experience such as a sunburn and almost drowning.
On the fifth dimension your experience of Hawaii and a visit to the ocean are instant. If you think about the ocean in love, you are instantly there having a loving experience. However, if you think about the ocean with fear, you will find yourself at the ocean having a fearful experience. Manifestation in the fourth dimension still takes “time” because there is still time and space, but it is much faster. However, in the fifth dimension everything exists in the eternal NOW. There is no time or space, as you know it on Earth.
Remember, you have chosen to take a physical life. Therefore, look at every event in your world as a lesson and a message. Earth is a schoolroom in which you are the student and the teacher. As you raise your consciousness, you can communicate consciously with the many higher dimensional beings who are dedicated to assisting you in your evolution. In your time/space reality the entire schoolroom of Earth is graduating. We of the Light Network are joyous to assist you in this magnificent hour of transformation.
My One, remember to begin each day by setting your attitude with Love. Once you have set your attitude, you can relax into the flow of the day and know that all of your manifestations will be loving. Even if life presents you with a disappointment or difficulty, Love will hold you in its comforting force and give you the wisdom and power to successfully face any situation.
Feel now the flow of Love as it enters into your crown chakra as you sit at the computer. Feel how easy it is to take our message while you are at the keyboard. At first, we are merely training you to be relaxed and comfortable so that we can use you as one of the receivers of the many messages that are currently being transmitted to your planet at this time. As you are ready, we will have more and more to say through you.
We close this transmission with a final lesson of Love. Remember your life in the fifth dimension of Venus. Remember the purple trees and the yellow skies. Remember how you loved to talk to the trees and the flowers. They communicated with you by the use of scent and telepathy. All the beings on the vibration of Venus are alive and able to communicate their love and essence to anyone who desires that experience. Nothing is solid there. Everything is translucent and flowing. The roots hang to caress the grounded energy and the blossoms reach towards the cosmic force that surrounds the outer area of the planet. Remember life on Venus, and you will remember all the rules of habitation on the higher dimensions. Release all fear into the love of your memories of Venus.
Now, my One, remember more.
Dear One,
In remaining calm and persistent, one can learn to overcome insurmountable odds. Mother Earth and all of Her inhabitants will now enter into a phase of life that has been long awaited. However, you must learn to release old concepts of limitation. For example, you formerly believed that you could never receive messages while sitting at a computer. Now you are learning that that limitation is no longer real. Soon, when your confidence is built and you can completely release your ego, we can send you messages that you have formerly believed impossible. When you are able to receive our messages while in a trance with your eyes closed, you can access portions of your communicative self that was formerly off limits to you. Remember not to worry about any of the technical processes of typing. It is easily repaired at a later date.
Now, close your eyes and see a river of light. See the current of that river and hear the sound that emanates from that current. Place yourself in this current while you completely surrender yourself to it. As you surrender you can see a Vortex of swirling light and sound just ahead of you. See how it is moving closer and closer. Document the process while you enter the Vortex. Forget about the keyboard, just as the musician forgets his instrument when he is in the revere of the music that is being played through him. Feel the Vortex around you. Allow it to enter every cell and atom of your physical form. The Vortex is the doorway to a higher consciousness. The conscious connection to your Soul is what allows you a clear perception of this Vortex.
Trust all the experiences that you have had thus far. You are being trained to consciously enter into the next vibration. First, however, you must free yourself of all jealousy, competition, and comparison. These are all qualities of separation consciousness and bind you to the vibration of the third dimension. Your western world has been based on these qualities as a component of “achieving your goals” or “fulfilling your desires”. As we have said before, the achievement of your desires is based on your thoughts and feelings rather than an interaction and competition with someone external to yourself. The “goal” of higher consciousness is not one that is achieved. It is a goal that is remembered and allowed. It is only your ego and personality functions through “struggle” and “work”. Your Higher Self functions by allowing and surrendering to the Oneness.
Now document your experience as you allow yourself to surrender to the Vortex.
“The Vortex is embracing me like a loving mother embraces her infant. I am the infant and I totally identify with this mother. She is the Mother through which I have received my body. As I bond with the Vortex, I am allowing myself to have life in a different form. I remember my beginnings of individuation from the Source. As I remember my beginnings, I can also experience the close of this cycle of my life. I now am releasing all attachment to my physical reality as I have known it and am bonding with the Vortex which is offering me a new form of identity.”