Dearest Ones,
I AM Mytria. Once again, I welcome you to the Violet Temple of Transmutation in Alycone, Pleiades. While in this fifth dimensional Temple I am to be your guide. I previously instructed you in the process of entering the sixth dimensional Violet Fire to connect with your Multidimensional SELF and rewrite your personal hologram.
At this time, I will aid you in integrating these fifth/sixth dimensional experiences into your third/fourth dimensional consciousness. This integration of consciousness is the first step in downloading your multidimensional Soul/SELF into your third dimensional ego/self.
See yourself once again in the main entry of the Violet Temple in Alycone. Visualize the large circular entryway with the seven pillars of light rising to the huge amethyst crystal embedded in the ceiling. To your right and to your left are two crystal stairways. As you see yourself in this entryway, you feel like you are alone, yet also in the presence of many. You are aware of yourself as an individual drop of water in an ocean. You are united with the consciousness of the ONE, yet you still retain your individuality.
A personal Guide who led you to the Violet Fire before has returned to escort you to your Integration Chamber. This Chamber has any form which you choose to imagine. Remember, you have just returned from the sixth dimensional Violet Flame. Consequently, you are fully empowered to create your reality according to your desire.
Your Guide ushers you into the Chamber. Take a moment to look around the room that your imagination has created. Are you surprised at what you see? Once you are comfortably settled, your Guide exits and closes the door. You are alone now; alone inside your SELF, which means that you are also united with ALL life.
Take a moment, an hour or a year to integrate this experience. It makes no difference, as “time” is only an illusion when you are inside your SELF. Familiarize yourself with your personal Integration Chamber. Look at the walls, the floor, the ceiling and the furniture that is in your chamber.
How do you feel inside this chamber which is inside of YOU?
From inside your SELF, who is inside the Integration Chamber; look out to your outer world. Simultaneously, hold the vision of this inner chamber constant in your mind. FEEL your inner world while your eyes are open, and you are completely aware of your external environment.
Maintain a conscious connection to BOTH your inner and outer life.
Note the FEEL of being “awake” in two realities at the same time.
Hello again. I AM Mytria. Remember, I am always here, as I am fifth dimensional and no longer bound by time or space. You may ask me for assistance with your process of integration. For example, now that you are in the Integration Chamber you may have questions about the transformation you are experiencing. When you first begin the process of integrating the higher frequencies into your mundane consciousness, there is a great deal of purging of ego’s limitation. This is not the purging of a self-important ego, but the purging of a wounded ego.
Your wounded ego likely still has a grip on your consciousness. Fortunately, it is less of a grip than before. Yet, as long as your consciousness harbors a wounded ego, it will be difficult for you to express your true SELF, as your “wounded ego” will constantly thwart your efforts to reveal your true SELF to your 3D world. Your wounded ego holds this restriction, not as a punishment, but as a protection. This protection was created by your ego because this wounded part of you cannot take the risk of further injury from others.
On the other hand, your wounded ego sees what it expects to see. It is not aware that it is actually “projecting out” images of its past “wounds” again and again in the hopes that this time you will “get it right.” However, don’t be harsh with your wounded ego for it is your mind and emotions that are continuing the problem. Your old “issues” have such a strong emotional charge around them that they are accompanied by hopeless thinking of “I can never change this part of me.” Therefore, your intention is to “just put up with it.” “Will you ever get this right?” says the wounded ego, as it unknowingly projects the “problem” out into your external world AGAIN. In this manner, the pattern continues.
If you can heal the inner wound that first created your protective behavior, you can rise above the perspective of your wounded ego and into the higher perspective of your Soul/SELF. Then, when the old issue arises again, you can consciously feel the emotional charge and send the Unconditional Love of your Soul/SELF to heal this memory of your wounded ego/self. From the perspective of your Soul you can say, “Here is that LESSON (not problem) again. However, I am patient with my Grounding Point, (ego/self) for I KNOW how difficult life can be in the third dimension.”
Your thoughts can then be ones of comfort, love and patience, which is exactly what your wounded ego needs. With these thoughts and emotions, you can more easily correct your intention to: “I am ready to release this problem.” The secret is, once your internal wounded ego is healed by the Unconditional Love, Acceptance and Forgiveness of your integrated Soul/SELF, the external dramas will disappear.
In fact, the core message of this Chamber is that all “external” events are first created internally. Once created, this internal program is projected out into the external hologram so that you can play that game until you have “won it.” Winning the game means that you have learned that lesson, completed that task, or “class,” and are free to move on to the next lesson.
Unfortunately, the third dimension is riddled with time/space loops where the same lesson is presented over and over and over. Each repeat may, or may not, appear slightly different. These loops are there to remind you that there truly is only one lesson: Love vs. Fear. Love and fear are the two creators of physical life. When you create through love, you gain an experience of Unity Consciousness. On the other hand, when you create through fear, you gain an experience of Individual Consciousness. You see fear is not “bad” any more than love is “good.”
“Good” and “bad” are opposite polarities, and polarities only occur in the third and fourth dimension. Fear/individuality can take you into the harsh, selfish realms of humans against humans, which is so prevalent in your time/space quadrant. However, love/unity can take you to the other extreme of the hive mind where there is no individuality. Remember, extremes touch and blur into each other in the fifth dimension and beyond. Therefore, find the middle where you can blend the unity consciousness of love with the individual consciousness of fear. In this manner, you will merge the 3D polarities and learn to live in the non-polarized “in-between” of the higher worlds.
Therefore, do not make fear your enemy. Fear eventually forces you to turn your attention inward towards your SELF. In this manner, you can find the inner holographic projector that is projecting the inner source of your drama out into your physical world. Paradoxically, it is your experience of fear in the “external” world that has forced you to go “inside” to find the experience of love within. Now allow that inner love to create a hologram of a clear consciousness and the belief in your ability to fulfill your goals. Feel the immense creative force of your Multidimensional SELF, and allow your Soul/SELF to find the balance of love and fear which frees you of 3D illusions and “problems.” In this manner you can begin to integrate your higher consciousness into your daily life.
From your higher consciousness you can go inside your SELF to release that which you no longer wish to experience in your external hologram. One of the most important things for you to release at this time is impatience. Impatience makes you “give-up,” and quitting is the only true failure. As you remember more and more of your Mission, you will be free of your impatience, as you will be able to move into the Flow and KNOW that all is proceeding according to your Soul’s Desire.
As your 3D life continues, you may feel that you have made no progress in the Chamber. Yet, you have for, even though you may not consciously be aware of it, you are confronting an ancient arrogance. This unconscious, ancient arrogance has to be cleared so that you can consciously step into the fifth dimension. Arrogance is actually a fear that YOU are “not good enough.” From this fear arises the arrogant behavior of judging others, so that you can feel “better than” and, hence, “good enough.”
“Fear of judgment” comes from the judgments that you cast on others in the past, which you unconsciously fear will come back to you. As your consciousness becomes fifth and sixth dimensional, your creations will become almost immediate and you will find that, almost instantly, “what you judge, you become.” Hence, take this opportunity to forgive yourself for all the judgments that you have placed on others. Once you have forgiven yourself, you release the emotional charge that actually attracts the return of negative energy.
It is also a good idea to clear your judgments of others with the Violet Fire, so that they are removed from your aura. You can also use the Violet Fire if you have a fearful thought that you do NOT wish to manifest. Once in your aura, judgments and fears are “in line” to be projected into your external hologram.
Remember, judgments are actually fears turned against another. Your judgment puts you “above” them, and gives you a greater sense of power to alleviate your fear. As you integrate your higher consciousness into your daily life, you will see the world from Soul’s perspective. This higher perspective allows you to KNOW Truths that will calm your fears and activate your Power Within. Your Inner Power will then rest in your aura, ready for projection into your hologram.
Once you have integrated your sixth dimensional consciousness into your physical consciousness, you will be an instant creator, and any random thought or fear can become instantly manifest. Remember whatever is “outside” is merely a reflection of what is “inside.” Hence, as a learning tool set up by your SELF so that you may be conscious of your unconscious, whatever you judge you become, so that you can gain the understanding and compassion necessary to Unconditionally Love yourself and others.
Realize that the yardstick you use to measure others is then unconsciously used to measure yourself. Conversely, the judgment you cast on your self is the judgment that you project onto others as well. Judge not your 3D self; it is a part of you that is very brave. Your physical self is the lowest vibration of your total SELF and holds all of the memories and experiences of all the third and fourth dimensional lives that you have ever lived.
This dear fragment of your total SELF is greatly in need of your love. Unfortunately, instead, you often hold it in disdain. Your present physical reality has given you the opportunity to participate in a great Cosmic Moment, while your body has been your most loyal friend and servant. This earth vessel has constantly taken you wherever you have needed to go in order to have the experiences that were necessary for the expansion of your consciousness. Now, you are asking this clay vessel to transform its carbon-based makeup into a light-based makeup.
Can you see how necessary it is for you to Unconditionally Love your wounded ego/self? Remember, what your third dimensional self defines as “problems,” your Soul/SELF defines as “lessons.” You have not done anything “wrong,” you just have not completed your lessons. When you have allowed your Soul to be the Captain of your earth vessel, your “problems” will no longer be needed for you will have learned all your “lessons.”
You have worked hard to expand your consciousness. However, you are moving into an era where you will not need to “work hard.” You are preparing to Return to your SELF. Hence, do not judge the body or the life that you have created so far. Beauty is not the size and shape of a body. Beauty is the ability to give and receive love. Success is not what “they” think about you. Success is finding your SELF and expressing it ALWAYS.
Release the memory of all the shame and pain of your many past lives. Choose instead to remember all the Unconditional Love that has filtered into you from your Multidimensional SELF. It is that LOVE which will create the continued health and happiness that will assist you in your great transformation.
Again, relax into your SELF and feel the FLOW of your inner process. Go about your everyday life, but know that, deep inside, you are transforming. Take a moment to think:
What is a “problem” you would like to change?
- Feel the emotional charge of this problem.
- Listen to the thoughts that accompany this problem.
- Be aware of the intention that goes with these thoughts and emotions.
Listen now to the inner voice of your fifth/sixth dimensional SELF.
- Allow your Soul to show, tell and/or assist you in remembering the first time you experienced this problem.
- What is the “protective” behavior that was first used to comfort you?
8 Allow your Soul to replace your wounded ego’s comfort with Unconditional Love,
Acceptance and Forgiveness, so you may:
- Comfort the emotion.
- Choose positive thinking.
- Select a powerful intention.
RELEASE the problem as an “excuse” or “reason” for acting from your wounded ego.
DETERMINE to act from the Power Within your Soul/SELF.
From this perspective, CHOOSE to create a new, “improved” hologram for your daily life.