Creating Reality
We are the Arcturians, here to assist you again with the process of blending polarities into ONENESS. We wish to commend you on your integration process, which is proceeding at the “speed of LIGHT.” More and more, you are experiencing reality through the viewpoint of your Soul/SELF. Because the 3D Game is reaching “End Game,” it is especially important that you live through your SELF. We want you to know that we, the Arcturian Group Mind, are ever present to assist you.
As you increasingly live life through your Soul, your commitment to the experiences of the 3D Game diminishes, and your Divine Experiences expand to encompass every sector of your reality. Being your SELF is increasingly important, while your ego needs have much less value in your life. You have “graduated” from the “classes” of learning through conflict, as you can NOW learn through remembering your Divine Connection.
The realities of fear, pain, anger and darkness exist next to you, but you no longer feel the need to attach to them. They are “motion pictures” that are playing at a local theater that you do not wish to attend. You do not judge nor condemn these realities. On the contrary, you bless them with Detached Compassion, as you release them from your experience.
This process of releasing the realities that you no longer wish to experience creates a void which is automatically filled by the realities that you DO wish to experience. This is where the Constant Connection to your SELF, in fact the Family of your SELF, comes into play. We say “Family of your SELF,” as YOU are a Multidimensional Being with myriad aspects of your SELF.
Within our higher vibration, the emotions of fear and anger do not exist. In fact, neither does love nor peace, at least not in the manner that you have experienced while in 3D reality. In the fifth dimension and beyond, the experience of “feelings” is beyond polarity. Within the Oness you simply “ARE.” Due to the limitations of your language, we shall paint you a picture of how it “feels” here in the higher worlds.
The core experience here in the higher dimensions is a connection to ALL That Is. We are ALWAYS aware that we live in ONESS. We are “individual” drops of water within a huge ocean and “individual” photons inside a Sun. We are stars in a galaxy and grains of sand on a planet. Our connection to All That Is resonates inside us, and we consciously “project out” any experience to which we desire to reverberate. This process of projecting out experience is similar to your choosing a DVD, only our disks are kept inside and our “movies” are all interactive.
We can choose the group experience of moving onto the shore as a “wave”, or we can join other drops of water to BE the ocean. We can also choose to BE the beach upon which the waves have crashed. We can choose to be human, “good humans” or “bad,” Extra Terrestrials, or the Star Ships in which they fly. Often, we choose to assist our fragments, our Grounded Ones, such as you, who are ready to return Home.
Most importantly, ALWAYS we are ONE, therefore, ALWAYS we are YOU! Because of this, all experiences, thoughts and emotions of every ONE are available for our choice. If we feel an attachment to “looking human” and helping, or even hurting, others, we may do so. If we feel an attachment to the experience of formlessness, we may choose that, as well.
Gradually, you are living more and more in the higher worlds and become increasingly detached from the dramas and illusions of the third dimension. You are beginning to realize that emotions are there to indulge in, thoughts are available for you to purchase; and the experiences you create are based on how you choose to combine these thoughts and emotions. Remember, as you return to SELF, there is no loss, no leaving. There is only remembering and returning.
If you wish to maintain your 3D Illusions, you may do that, as well. In fact, many on your planet may make that decision. They may even choose to forget it is a choice. It is their option to forget—or to remember. The truth is, forgetting and remembering are polarities that only exist in the 3D resonance. From our vibration, there is no forgetting, and with nothing forgotten, there is no need to remember.
Can you better understand our reality now? The Truth is that it is also YOUR reality. In your physical life, you have learned that it is best to understand something before you dare experience it. However, with our Multidimensional Reality, you can only truly understand it after you have experienced it. This reality is a “leap of faith” in which you must “FALL into the Flow” in order to experience.
In other words, you need to totally surrender to your Soul/SELF. Once you have that faith in your SELF, you can experience BEING a wave, a beach, a star or a planet. Anything that you can imagine is real inside of you—because YOU can choose to experience it.
When you imagine being a star, how does it FEEL? When you imagine not being able to pay your bills, how does that feel? Do you see how you have chosen your emotions by choosing the reality that you hold in your consciousness?
When you are ready, you can choose to “imagine” the reality in which you are returning Home and Home is returning to you. When you attend to that experience, you are rehearsing the manifestation of the PROMISE you made before you were born. Your Promise is your special contribution to Planetary Ascension.
Your Promise is not new to you. In fact, you have rehearsed it in lifetime after lifetime. Therefore, it behooves you to allow the memories of other embodiments, both on this world and beyond, to return to your conscious mind. Viewing these alternate realities will assist you in remembering how your have tried to fulfill, and/or actually have fulfilled, your contribution in alternate realities.
Remembering your Promise will also lead you into the Flow of your higher-octave emotions, which form the Rainbow Bridge to the fifth dimension and beyond. You may choose not to cross this Bridge until Gaia and all Her inhabitants are ready for their ascension, as well. In fact, delaying your personal ascension until the entire planet is ready is a Promise that many of you have made. When you can hold your Promise forefront in your consciousness, it can be the foundation for the reality that you volunteered to create.
You joined the 3D Game of Earth in order to hone a certain element of your consciousness. It is actually the fulfillment of your Promise that will allow you to completely perfect this element of your SELF. You have repeated certain experiences life after life, as they coerce this element of being to the forefront of your life.
In fact, you are probably having that type of experience at this “time,” for NOW is your “comprehensive examination” before your “graduation.” This element of your SELF is a thread of consciousness that you have maintained in all your incarnations to remind you of your Promise. As you fulfill your Promise, the threads of all that you have learned during your many incarnations on beloved Gaia come together in a beautiful tapestry of your “Life on Earth.”
One element of consciousness that all Grounded Ones are honing is, “Everything is alive—because NOTHING is separate from the life force of the ONE.” The concept of separation from your Multidimensional SELF was one of the Primary Illusions that initiated the 3D Game. Hence, the release of that foundational illusion allows you to return to the full Truth of your SELF.
What if you spent one day perceiving EVERYTHING as alive and an element of your SELF, who, in turn, is an element of the Planet? How would you behave differently than you do under the 3D paradigm of separation? What reality would you create in a world where everything is alive and a portion of your total SELF?
In this ONENESS you cannot “do” anything to any “other” life-form for there is no “other” in the One. Take a long moment to imagine what it would be like if you could live for one hour, in fact, for even one minute from the perspective of total UNITY.
In the new paradigm, “doing” and “being” are the same, for nothing is separate. Therefore, every breath, thought, feeling, emotion and action is an expression of the Oness. Whenever your consciousness resonates to the Oneness, it sends a Multidimensional FLOW through ALL of your third and fourth dimensional lives. In a purely energetic manner, this FLOW sends a healing Multidimensional Light into the Darkness of your lifetimes.
Once you have discovered your final hiding places of fear and darkness, you will fully remember how to ground the Essence of HOME in your physical reality. HOME is the Multidimensional FLOW of consciousness. Therefore, it is not bound by environment, circumstance, place or time. HOME knows NO limitation. Therefore, you can share “HOME” to assist others, or simply for the PURE JOY of sharing your SELF.
As each of you share your experience of HOME with others, your group energy can more easily ground the New Reality, the New Earth, which you are all creating—TOGETHER.
The adventure as 3D humans was a fun “game,” filled with drama, victory, defeat, fear and love. You have played out all the polarities of the third dimension and are now ready to return to the ONE. You have experienced the many “fears” available in the third dimension and found the inner resources to conquer them.
You have also initiated and received many types of love, from human to divine. Now you are ready to find the Divine within your mundane life, as well as in ALL the creatures and things which you have previously considered unimportant or “lifeless.” Fortunately, many of you will forestay your personal ascension to await the “TIME” of Planetary Ascension.
You may wonder how the many world leaders who are thriving in the 3D Game are going to release their addiction to Power-Over in order to find their Power- Within. Some of them will not change; however, other fragments of their Multidimensional SELF will. Many of you have multiple earth vessels in the 3D Game at one time, especially now at End Game. This multiplicity is particularly true for those who have chosen to represent the dark, Power-Over polarity.
When the majority of their other fragments of SELF that are incarnated at different times and places on the 3D Matrix awaken, the fragments who are playing the “villains” will be pulled into the vortex of awakening—albeit kicking and screaming. Of course, the fragment of SELF that is greatly enjoying the role of villain can also leave this degrading 3D Matrix and find another physical reality.
The “villains” are also creators and have the free will to create the reality of their choice as well. By 2012, when a majority of Gaia has released the Game, these “representatives of the dark polarity will have to make that decision.
Go inside now to FEEL your Promise, your “puzzle piece” of Planetary Ascension. Yes, you have always felt it somewhere in the back of your awareness. When you were a small child, you “imagined” yourself fulfilling it, and your Inner Child has safeguarded that memory ever since. It is “time” now to again receive that memory from your Inner, Divine Child.
Go inside and FEEL the connection with your pure innocence, your Divine Child. You may have to go back to when you were very young, before you were indoctrinated by the programming of the third dimension, in order to find your pure Essence. Go now, deep into your memory, to find the FEEL of Pure Innocence.
Yes, there is your innocence, inside your Divine Child who is shining like the Star that YOU have always been. As you commune with your Divine Child, recollect your memories of the reality that you promised to fulfill in this lifetime. The visions of the reality you promised to create may be vague at first, but the FEEL of them is “loud” in your heart.
Attach your attention to the FEEL of your Promise. Go about your day allowing this memory to overlay your mundane experiences. Determine that whenever you forget the TRUTH that you volunteered to manifest, you will return to your Divine Child to fulfill your Promise.
As you know by now, the 3D Game is a grand illusion, a hologram, which was created so that fragments of your total SELF could experiment with the polarities of light and dark. Since the higher dimensions are beyond polarities, there is only Light. Light can only cast “the shadow of darkness” in a polarized reality that is separate from the ONE. In truth, of course, there is no separation from the ONE. Therefore, there is no darkness. Darkness is only an illusion of the 3D Hologram.
In order to experience the 3D Game, a fragment of the White Light (all colors in ONE) of your Multidimensional SELF moved through the prism of the third dimensional matrix to create many colors, including no color—darkness. As you are now integrating your Soul/SELF into your earth vessel, you are beginning to KNOW that light and love are Truth, whereas darkness and fear are illusion.
You have learned that only your Multidimensional SELF resonates beyond separation, which is why you are integrating it. However, there are still many who have not been able to free themselves of illusion. Because of this, there are currently two realities, coexisting in a crisscross fashion.
The horizontal, old reality is the 3D Game of Illusion, which is best perceived with the five physical senses of your ego. The vertical reality is the fifth dimensional “Heaven on Earth” reality, which can only be perceived with the higher senses of your Multidimensional SELF. In each point where these realities overlap there is a Window.
These “windows” are the portals that you have opened by activating your Crown of the Elohim. Through the integration of your Soul/SELF, you are allowing the infinite potential of your “vertical multidimensional reality” to weave into the limited potential of your “horizontal third dimensional reality.”
The point where the vertical and horizontal realities overlap is the “Point of Integration,” the intersection of the mesh of interwoven threads where both realities simultaneously exist. The Point of Integration is the exact spot where the light of the fifth dimension and beyond can FLOW into the third dimension.
In fact, it is here that you can enter the NOW of the fifth dimension and beyond to free yourself of the 3D Rules of Reality. The Point of Integration is the exact center, the Fulcrum-Point of perception, from which you can perceive, interact with and blend the horizontal and vertical realities into Oneness. This “blending” is accomplished by calming the ripples of the third dimensional, horizontal reality which block the FLOW of the vertical, higher dimensional reality.
These “ripples” have emanated from past experiences and behaviors which have deeply affected the Collective Consciousness, as well as the actual land, of planet Earth. You who have awakened can perceive these ripples on an energetic level. Furthermore, with your increased power of communication and creativity, you can psychically enter the ripples to SEE the muddied light and HEAR the dissonant tones.
The two realities can only be blending into ONESS by the creators of the ripples—members of the third dimension. We of the higher dimensions cannot perform this service, as Earth is a free-will planet. Therefore, we ask you, our Multidimensional Allies who still hold the form of a 3D earth vessel, to transmute these third and fourth dimensional ripples into fifth dimensional FLOW.
As you go through your mundane life, you may suddenly, or gradually, become aware of a ripple in the fabric of your reality. When this happens, use your Crown of the Elohim to connect with the exact Point of Intersection of this ripple. Once connected, closely observe the interactions between the vertical and horizontal realities.
As you look at these ripples with your Eyes of Soul and listen with your Soul, you will see the muddy color and hear the dissonant tone. Find the jewel in your Crown of the Elohim that best matches that color, and hence the tone and vibration, and open that Portal on your Crown. Since each Portal, which is symbolized by a Jewel on your Crown, is aligned with the correlate chakra, your physical body will also serve as a Portal of higher dimensional Light.
With your Portal open, all you need “do” is “BE” the opened Portal and allow your Multidimensional Power to calm the ripple enough to accept the fifth dimensional FLOW. You may also choose to imagine that you are seeing the Color become clearer and clearer until it becomes white, and hearing the dissonant tone become purer and purer until it is the Silent Tone Within.
Feel free to use whatever creative means of healing to which you are drawn. When the ripples are calmed, the 3D horizontal realities will no longer block the vertical, higher dimensional realities and the ripples will transmute into the FLOW.
You don’t need to be conscious of this experience, as your integrated Soul/SELF can carry on the healing while you are engaged in your mundane activities. As long as you walk through your world in a constant state of Surrender to your Soul, your Soul/SELF will initiate and complete this process for you. When you are consciously connected to your SELF, you will likely be conscious of this process. However, when your ego/self is fulfilling mundane responsibilities, you may not even know of your contribution.
We wish to remind you that you are able to choose your reality by choosing to attend to the Constant Communications from your Soul/SELF. Now that it has been integrated into your Throat Chakra, you higher perceptions have been fully activated.
Because of this, more and more you will be living in two realities—the horizontal and the vertical. Hence, you will begin to perceive 3D “problems” as ripples in the Tapestry of Transformation, places where a “stitch was dropped,” a “window” closed. With this perception, you can simply soothe the ripples, pick up the stitch, or open the window.
Automatically, you will cease looking to your ego or the laws of the 3D Game for information. Instead, you will look to your integrated Soul/SELF for constant guidance and Truth. In this manner, you will find the highest vibrational answers to your third dimensional questions, as well as the “blueprint” for returning to the frequency of HOME. You promised to manifest the reality of “Home/Heaven on Earth” before you were born, and NOW is the “time” to fulfill your Promise.
Dear Ones, we commend you, for we, the Arcturians, KNOW the progress that you have made. We appreciate your contributions, as does all of your Soul Family. Your return to HOME, as well as the return of HOME into you, is a heralded event. You, the people of Gaia’s body, are the courageous Vanguards of New Earth.
Dear Gaia, with whom we Arcturians are in Constant Communication, wishes to communicate with you now. Her desire is to share a ceremony with you in which you can assist in CREATING New Earth.
We refer you now to Gaia…
The Arcturians