Our body does not hold our mind.
It is our mind that holds our body.
We think that our mind rules our body, but what rules our mind? Usually it is our ego. From the perception of our ego, it is indeed our body that holds our mind. However, from the perception of our Soul, it is the Mind of Spirit that holds all our many bodies, both of clay and of light. In order to tap into this Multidimensional Mind, our Soul’s must be the Captain of our earth-vessel. Through our Soul we can tap into this Mind of Spirit to receive ILLUMINATION.
Our Soul is our fifth dimensional consciousness, and the core of our Lightbody. Fortunately, we will not need to replace the ego, for it plays an important role in our everyday life. However, what if we could INTEGRATE OUR SOUL INTO OUR EGO? Perhaps, you Future Self could answer this question. Your Future Self awaits you just beyond the Illumination Door.