The fourth red door is marked: BEHAVIOR
We go to the door and knock.
A message is displayed:
Aberrant behavior based on fear and negativity sabotages dreams and aspirations.
Our behavior mirrors our dark side. But how does a child know that they are bad if someone doesn’t tell them? How can a child learn to distinguish between good and bad if they are told that everything they do is bad? The unconscious memories of childhood’s painful situations bring forward the defense mechanisms that we created in our childish efforts to survive.
The behaviors that are initiated from this portion of our unconscious are a reaction to a reality that exists only in our fears. While we are in this state of consciousness, our doubts and fears create a gray filter that alters all of our perceptions. We see an enemy everywhere we look. Therefore, we believe that we are justified in our selfish and self-serving actions. The drugs that we have chosen to use to “help” us have now become our masters, and getting more of them becomes the predominant action in our life.
Because of our inner battle, we have an unconscious need for domination. We create obsessive-compulsive and ritualistic behaviors in a vain attempt to protect ourselves from our unseen enemies. Because we react to what we are afraid that we saw or heard, we miss many beautiful moments and our defensive behavior reflects our constant sense of victimization. Our fear-guided behavior acts is a self-sabotage, as we create the very thing we fear, over and over again.
Aberrant behavior based on fear and negativity sabotages our dreams and aspirations. Sometimes our behavior will tell us what our body, emotions and thoughts cannot, as our behavior is the sum total of all our needs, drives, emotions, thoughts, desires, and spiritual guidance. If we can objectively observe our behavior, we can find out what we really want, as what we want is usually what we are working to get. The trick is to find out WHO is working for it. Is it our Unconscious, our Conscious, or our Superconscious Self?
Sometimes, our Soul want us to grow and face our fears while our unconscious wants us to hide. Then our conscious behavior becomes the battleground between who we were, our unconscious, and who we are becoming, our superconscious. Often the fear we have to face is the fear that we won’t get what we want. Therefore, we tell ourselves that we don’t know what we want, or that we shouldn’t want that, or that we are not good enough to get it anyway. Our Soul then intercedes by joining with our unconscious to create a scenario so that we have to confront our fear.
In all of these cases, we don’t believe that we can get what we want. Maybe we don’t believe in ourselves because we have been taught to think that we are bad. Sometimes we are taught that we are “bad” because we don’t want what THEY want. Therefore, we tell ourselves that we don’t know what we want, or who we are, so that we will not be disappointed when we DON’T get to be ourselves or choose our own goals.
Then, we try very hard to get, or do, or be, what THEY want, but our behavior forces us into our own track and off of their track. This action is often called rebellion, but to our Soul it is salvation. Fortunately, we are usually more in sync with our Soul than we think, which allows our Soul to win the final battle and become the new pilot of our physical earth vessel.
However, in order for our Soul to become our pilot we must raise our self-esteem enough to believe that we are worthy of it. We can do this by listening to our Self and following our own Path, which is the Path that our Soul has laid out for us.