Learn and Remember How to Receive and Interpret Light Language
Join Suzanne Lie, Ph.D. in the series, Light Language & the Human Chakra System, as she enables us to expand our consciousness with information
and guided meditations in this 3-session course (2 hours each.) As you expand your consciousness into the 5th Dimension and beyond, you are beginning to perceive thought forms and energy packages. Your Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Clairsentience abilities are coming online, and with all of these skills arriving now, you are preparing yourself to be able to perceive, receive, and interpret Light Language.
When someone speaks to you in Light Language, it is a package of information that is whole and complete. There is information for the general population, as well as specific information for you individually.
The Chakras are part of your interpretation of Light Language. Light Language is comprised of certain colors and tones which each vibrate at specific frequencies. As you are able to interpret light language through your Chakra System (which is already connected to your spine, light body, endocrine system, and major solar plexus), you won’t just receive the light language, you will be in alignment with the light language.
The degree to which the chakras are balanced and in alignment will enhance your consciousness and allow you to perceive Light Language from a higher frequency, where you will receive higher and more expanded information.
Look into the core of your own self and see if you are ready for this information. If you are ready for this information, are you ready to LIVE it? If so, please begin your journey of expansion as you immerse yourself in the Light Language and the Human Chakra System information.
Light Language and the Human Chakra ~ Part 1
Package Contents: 
- Webinar Recordings (MP3 Audio and MP4 Video Formats)
- Three Recorded Sessions of Over 2 Hours Each for over Six Hours of Meditation and Information
- Comprehensive Chakra Booklet
- Explore All Seven Chakras in Detail
- Informative Conversations
- Two Insightful Conversations (Remembering Light Language & Arcturian Messages for Ascension)
(See the package Table of Contents sneak peek above!)
Click the “Buy Now” button to purchase the package for $75, and you will receive a link to download the full package once you complete your transaction. You will also receive the download link in your PayPal email inbox.
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